How to choose the right Muay Thai Gym

Well, probably the first thing most people do is asking friends for recommendations. Which isn’t a bad thing to do. But what if no friend is in a Muay Thai Gym? And in the Internet you don’t get any insides of a Gym wether it is good or not.

Before you start researching the reputation of a potential Gym. I will share with you few points that will guide you.

First Picture

In the first few days or week probably any Gym can make you feel welcomed. The aim is to raise raise their member counts. But even on the first day I recommend you to pay attention to this detail. When entering a Gym ask yourself how did they welcome me? Did they put in some effort to get to know me? Did they introduce me to the Trainers? Did they show me the whole Gym?

What do that questions tell about the Gym?!

(Did they welcome me?)

Does the Gymstaff make it a priority to create a great first picture by welcoming newbees? If the receptionist already greets you with a smile and makes you feel welcomed and at the right place. The chances are high you will already consider to sign a membership. But of course there has to me more than just a welcome.

(Did they put in some effort to get to know me?)

Well this one is an important one. Does the Gymstaff care who is about to join as a member? The way you are looking for the right place to join. The same it should be the other way around. A good Gym will care who they sign as a member to keep out potential problems.

(Did they introduce me to the Trainers?)

It can be intimidating jumping in a boxing class without having been introduced to the coach who leads the class. After being introduced to the coach he then can introduce you to his class. As a beginner it can be an advantage letting your class mates know that it is your first class here. It is also a good first step to become part of the Team later on.

(Did they show me the whole Gym?)

This just shows that they put in some effort to make you feel comfortable. Showing you around the Gym gives them also a good opportunity to introduce you to all the staff and to some members.

These are just a few points. It is an addition to your check list. Don’t be shy to ask questions.

Importance of Training Partners

Your goal is to become a good fighter in Muay Thai? Then you should definitely ask the gym staff if they got pro fighters in the gym. It will be a great advantage for you to learn from professional fighters rather that from students who just do it to get fit.
You won’t be able to train with a pro all the time but you should make the most of it when you get the chance.

The Trainer

A good trainer will introduce you to the class and match you with a trainings partner in your level. If you are totally new to that sport he probably will give you an experienced trainings partner who can help you out to learn the first steps and techniques.

Don’t hesitate to ask questions about drills or techniques you didn’t understand. But also know to listen when the trainer speaks.

Tips before entering a Muay Thai Gym:

Right at the door. Take off your shoes and your ego!
A Muay Thai, Boxing or Kickboxing Gym is nothing like a fitness franchise. Members are not numbers. Combat sport gyms stand for humbleness, hard work, loyalty and family. If you should enter a gym where both aren’t important then I suggest you better keep looking.

Show respect towards the people there who might call it their second home. Be humble and grateful. I guarantee you, you will profit from that.

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